Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Victory Garden

Here at Little York Plantation we like to stay up to date on new gardening trends. One that we have seen for the past few years is the grow your own food movement. By growing your own food you are producing what you need for you and your family and controlling the use or non-use of pesticides, herbicides and whatever else your food is exposed to.
One place to take inspiration from when building you own food producing garden is the Victory Gardens of World War II here in the United States and in Britain. During the war families grew their own food as an effort to help with the war and provide for their families. During the war food was rationed in stores and often there wasn't enough variety and nutrition for families and their children. Gardeners today can learn a lot from the efforts of those in the past both about planting and preserving their food. With minimal space and some effort anyone can enjoy the benefits of a victory garden. By growing your own food you can have fresh variety all summer and with preserving techniques such as canning you can have variety all winter long too!

 If you are looking for a place to start this blog has some good information about how to get started including information about canning and preserving.

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