Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Garden Granny

Here at Little York Plantation we all share a local legend about our beloved Garden Granny.  Legend has it that Garden Granny was born in 1821 in Little York, New York and spent her childhood learning all about annuals, perennials, shrubs and trees from her Grandfather. When she was 22 she married a farmer and together they had one child named, Timothy Green. Garden Granny passed away when she was 94 years old but her presence is still felt by many at The Plantation.  Every once and a while some have even claimed to see her on the grounds at Little York Plantation.  She is seen all over the grounds still wearing her favorite blue dress.   If you happen to spot Garden Granny on your visit to Little York Plantation, let the cashier know and we will give you 10% off your complete order.

*this story was created for promotional purposes. 

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