Monday, April 1, 2013

Rain, Rain Go Away....

It's spring here at Little York Plantation and if you are familiar with Central New York, you know that means we are getting a lot of rain.  However, just because it's raining, we haven't stopped working!

We have been planting up our annuals and perennials, cleaning up the shop, buying new product and planning all new events.  More about each of these topics to come as the days go by.  Check back for more information!!

As you might notice one of our biggest changes is our internet presence.  We have started a blog, updated our Facebook and Twitter pages and most of all created a Pinterest page with many boards to inspire us all to get back into the garden!!!

See the links to the side to find us on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest and check back here often for more information about what is happening in house, at the garden center and the greenhouse.  Additionally, if there is something you would like to see don't hesitate to leave a comment below or give us a call at 607-749-4861.

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